articles / Classical News

Nicholas McGegan to Retire from Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra

It’s been quite a run. From across the Bay, we’ve just received news that one of the world’s top conductors—Nicholas McGegan, the music director and conductor of the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra and Chorale—is retiring. It’s been thirty-five outstanding years at the helm, with major world tours, including close to a thousand concerts. Then there are forty recordings featuring incredible performances of music by Haydn, Henry Purcell, Vivaldi and more. And, of course, for years, you’ve heard him on the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra Broadcasts each month on KDFC.

This certainly isn’t a farewell,” said Music Director Nicholas McGegan. “It has been an enormous honour and privilege but also tremendous fun to work with our terrific musicians for half my life, and I look forward to many more years of performances as Music Director Laureate, with fewer administrative responsibilities. Thanks to the musicians, board, staff, donors and our wonderful audience, I’ve been able to realize so many of my artistic dreams, creating lots of happy memories along the way.”

Executive Director Courtney Beck had this to say about McGegan’s tenure: “Philharmonia owes Nicholas McGegan an incredible debt of gratitude. He has built the PBO family and an exceptionally solid foundation for us. He’s elevated the ensemble to international repute and has undertaken projects most conductors never would.” Courtney Beck added, “Looking forward, Nic will become Music Director Laureate on the cusp of the Orchestra’s 40th anniversary—a natural point of transition that we will be ready to embark upon thanks to his steady and innovative leadership. I look forward to working with Nic over the next two years and beyond.”

Hats off Nic, and all the best to the charming, talented maestro smiling from the podium.

Written by:
The Classical Team
The Classical Team
Published on 03.27.2019