articles / Pop Culture

A Fond Farewell to KDFC’s Mary Flaherty

With appreciation, we say so long to KDFC’s first Director of Philanthropic Giving, Mary Flaherty.

The year after KDFC became a non-profit station in 2011, Mary joined us to work directly with our early Leadership Circle members. Keep in mind, KDFC was a start-up as a listener-supported station so Mary was starting from scratch. In 2013 she launched our first capital campaign, ‘For the Music,’ to help pay down our debt in expanding our reach to the South Bay with 104.9FM, and other projects. With her retirement, we can gratefully announce that the $10 million campaign is retiring with her. From the start, the outpouring of support was breathtaking. All told, we received 9,820 gifts ranging all the way from $2.00 to $1.5 million from donors here in the Bay Area and from as far away as Boston, Washington, DC, Cincinnati, Ecuador, Turkey, and Switzerland. Single-handedly Mary shepherded this entire process with our donors. Mary’s contribution to the success of the new KDFC was critical and we couldn’t have done it without her.

Now we embark on a new campaign with her successors to fund KDFC’s move, community engagement and music education, and endowment.

Mary has become friends with many of you, and we will miss her greatly. She is headed back to her hometown north of Boston to relax, write, and maybe do some community theater.

Drop her a note if you’d like, or even leave a donation to KDFC in her honor. She’d like that!

Good luck and thank you, Mary! Cheers.

Written by:
Bill Lueth
Bill Lueth
Published on 05.25.2017