articles / Concerts

"I Believe" with Community Music Center

Classical California firmly believes that the future of classical music lies in raising younger generations to value music and the arts. One of our ongoing efforts is working with our evening host and resident artist, Lara Downes, to help inspire children of all backgrounds, and to bring relevance to this timeless music.

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The Community Music Center in San Francisco’s Mission District is our latest partner on our “I Believe” project.

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At this past November 2024 event, Lara showcases the voices and artistic talents of almost 100 students who reflect on the tenets of The Declaration of Independence, now 200 years old.

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Through their own compositions and statements, they express how they feel about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and whether America is living up to the promise.

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Lara also introduces these students to classical music written in America, including works by women and persons of color. Thanks, CMC, for having us! You do amazing work.

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Published on 12.03.2024