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Discovering the Joys of Music

The Tech Interactive in San Jose plays host to KDFC Kids Discovery Day again this Sunday, as children have a chance to hear music in performance, write their own melodies, find out the range of their voices, and even see an opera that was written especially for young people. KDFC hosts will be there, as well as many performing groups, and admission is free when you mention KDFC!

Discovering the Joys of Music

There’s more information at our Kids Discovery Day page.

There will be two different programs presented by the Friction Quartet, with one that likens the instruments of the quartet to a family: “We have the same number of strings, we all have a bow, we can make the same types of sounds,” violinist Kevin Rogers explains. “And then that can lend itself to some really nice ways that we can communicate as a group with the music, and the types of sounds that we can make. And also there’s space for each person to be an individual just like there is in a family, where you can be part of a group but also assert your own individuality.” The other program finds an analogy between music and water. “It’s called ‘The Flow of Music’ – the way the water can collect from pools and ponds, and go into rivers, and how that flows… How music can have different tempos, and can have crescendos, like a waterfall.” Musicians from Peninsula Symphony will be on hand, as well as Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, and a couple of other smaller ensembles. Music in Schools Today will be putting on an instrument petting zoo, as well as a crafts area where one can make their own instrument. San Francisco Opera will check out the vocal range of those who would like to find out, and Opera San Jose presents Sydney Barab’s take on Little Red Riding Hood. Larry Hancock, the longtime General Director, and now Special Consultant to the General Director says: “It’s the most performed children’s opera in the nation. And its charming. It’s charming for adults, but it’s really delightful for the little ones.”


Written by:
Jeffrey Freymann
Jeffrey Freymann
Published on 02.23.2020