articles / Classical Californians

Classical Californians: Tim Keeler

This week’s Classical Californian is Tim Keeler, Artistic Director for the San Francisco-based vocal ensemble Chanticleer. He’s selected a line up of seasonally appropriate works for voices, with songs for Winter, Advent and Christmas. The ensemble is returning to the West Coast this week as they finish their national tour of their “A Chanticleer Christmas” program, beginning their popular series of concerts in LA and the Bay Area. We’ll hear early music of Josquin des Prez, a piece by contemporary British composer Joanna Marsh, and much more, with works by Bach, Poulenc, Arvo Pärt, George Walker, Komitas Vardapet, and (of course) Franz Biebl.

We begin with the piece that comes first chronologically, from Renaissance composer Josquin des Prez, “Praeter rerum serium” performed by the ensemble called Alamire.  Press the play button to hear the introduction!

Classical Californians: Tim Keeler

Next, by contemporary Estonian composer Arvo Pärt, it’s “O Adonai,” sung by the Tallis Scholars.

Classical Californians: Tim Keeler

On to Bach, with a section from his Christmas Oratorio, “Ehre sei dir, Gott, gesungen.”

Classical Californians: Tim Keeler

Francis Poulenc tells of the nativity story in “Hodie Christus natus est,” sung here by the ensemble Polyphony.

Classical Californians: Tim Keeler

“In Winter’s House” is by contemporary British composer Joanna Marsh – here it’s performed by Tenebrae.

Classical Californians: Tim Keeler

The last three tunes are performed by Chanticleer, beginning with “Blow, blow, thou winter wind” by George Walker, with text by Shakespeare.

Classical Californians: Tim Keeler

Komitas Vardapet was an Armenian composer from the 19th and early 20th century – Here’s his “Barekhosutyamb”

Classical Californians: Tim Keeler

And finally, the beloved “Ave Maria” of Franz Biebl.

Classical Californians: Tim Keeler




Written by:
The Classical Team
The Classical Team
Published on 12.13.2023