articles / Pop Culture

A Carefree Activity Inspires a New Mozart



Like so many talents today 11 Year old violin prodigy Alma Deutscher came to public attention through social media. Actor Stephen Fry enthusiastically passed the evidence of her talent along to his followers on Youtube and now the world is awed by this precocious English musician and composer. Her parents are academic professionals and amateur musicians, but are as surprised as anyone at her gifts.

Many of her top advocates have commented on the maturity of her musical thinking, but when it comes to inspiration, Deutscher’s go-to source is wonderfully childish: skipping. “I love skipping with the wind blowing in my ears,” she told London’s Daily Telegraph.

Read more, including the top professionals who count among her fans, here.

Written by:
Hoyt Smith
Hoyt Smith
Published on 11.18.2016