articles / Franz Liszt

A Franz Liszt Birthday Quiz

Composer Franz Liszt was born on this date in 1811… He is credited with inventing the concept of a Symphonic Poem, and also through his solo performances, popularizing the notion of presenting piano recitals in large halls (which helped push along the creation of bigger and louder instruments). You can hear his prodigious technique in his works for keyboard. Here’s a sampling of 9 of his works – can you name them? (Click and drag over the white space below to reveal the titles.)

A Franz Liszt Birthday Quiz


  1. La Campanella
  2. Liebestraum
  3. Piano Concerto No. 1
  4. Les Preludes
  5. Piano Sonata in B minor
  6. Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
  7. Piano Concerto No. 2
  8. Totentanz
  9. Mephisto Waltz


Written by:
Jeffrey Freymann
Jeffrey Freymann
Published on 03.27.2019